
Showing posts from March, 2016

ATT Data Plan Change Mid Cycle

This is about changing data plan mid cycle for ATT Mobile Share Value Plan . When you change data plan mid cycle, the data allowance is not Prorated. If you did not exceed the data limit on the day of the change of data plan, you will get prorated charges for the old and new plan and you will be able to use the full data in the new plan (data usage will be reset to zero on the day of change) for the rest of the billing cycle. Example: If you have 15GB plan ($100). On 21st day of the billing cycle, if you have used 14.75GB and you upgrade to 20GB plan ($140) EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY and change it back to 15GB effective start of next billing cycle. Your data usage will be reset to zero on 21st day and you will have 20 GB to use for the remaining 10 days. You have effectively got 34.75GB (14.75+20) for this billing cycle. Your bill will be as follows (in addition to your regular charges) Credit for the old data plan for the remaining 10 days = 1/3 x $100 = $33.33 Debit for the